If a single reference book on nonlinear optimization is to be recommended, be it [1] that sits on your book shelf.
If one or two more can still fit, [2], [3] are classical comprehensive references on nonlinear programming (the latter covers linear programming too).
While all the three books are only available for purchase, there is a wealth of resources that are freely available online such as the notes [4] accompanying a course on optimal control, which do a decent job of introduction to a nonlinear programming, and beautifully typeset modern textbooks [5] and [6], the former based on Julia language. Yet another high-quality textbook that is freely available online is [7].
When restricting to convex optimization, the bible of this field [8] is also freely available online. It is a must-have for everyone interested in optimization. Yet another advanced and treatment of convex optimization is [9], which is also freely available online.
Maybe a bit unexpected resources on theory are materials accompanying some optimization software. Partilarly recommendable is [10], it is very useful even if you do not indend to use their software. In particular, their introduction to conic optimization is very well written and easy to follow.
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