The key concept of this chapter — model predictive control (MPC), aka receding horizon control (RHC) — has been described in a number of dedicated monographs and textbooks. Particularly recommendable are [1] and [2]. They are not only reasonably up-to-date, written by leaders in the field, but they are also available online for free.
Some updates as well as additional tutorials are in [3], which seems to be available to CTU students through the institutional access.
There is no shortage of lecture notes and slides as well. Particularly recommendable are the course slides [4], and [5].
Extensions towards nonlinear systems (nonlinear model predictive control, NMPC) are described in [6], which is also available to CTU students through the institutional access. Alternatively, concise introductions are [7] and [8, Ch. 15].
Since MPC essentially boils down to solving optimization problems in real time on some industrial device, the topic of embedded optimization is important. An overview is given in [9]. Although some new solvers appeared since its publication, the practical considerations highlighted in the paper are still valid.
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