Similar courses at other universities
Below we give a selection of courses on optimal and robust (oftentimes not together) control that are given by excellent instructors at research universities abroad:
- S. Boyd. EE363 - Linear Dynamical Systems. Stanford. Winter 2008-2009.
- R. D’Andrea. 151-0563-01L – Dynamic Programming and Optimal Control. ETH Zurich. Fall 2024.
- M. Diehl. Numerical Optimal Control. University of Freiburg, Winter semester 2024/2025.
- M. Egerstedt. ECE6553 - Optimal Control and Optimization. Georgia Tech. Spring 2017.
- T. Faulwasser, Y. Jiang. EE-736 – Control for Dynamic Systems. EPFL. 2024.
- A. Hanson. TSRT08 – Optimal control. Linkoping University. Fall 2024.
- M. Hovd. Robust control. Norwegian University of Science Technology, Trondheim, Norway.
- J. How. 16323 – Principles of Optimal Control. MIT. Spring 2008.
- A. Karimi. Robust control. EPFL, Lausanne.
- S. Lall. Engr210a - Robust Control Analysis and Synthesis. Stanford. Autumn 2001-2002.
- Z. Manchester. 16-745 – Optimal Control and Reinforcement Learning. Carnegie Mellon University. 2025.
- A. Megretski. 6.245 - Multivariable Control Systems. MIT. Spring 2004.
- T. A. E. Oomen, and J.W. van Wingerden. Design Methods for Control Systems. Dutch Institute of Systems and Control (DISC), The Netherlands. 2025.
- M. Pavone, D. Gammelli, D. Morton, M. Foutter. AA 203 – Optimal and Learning-Based Control. Stanford University. Spring 2024.
- A. Rantzer. Robust Control. Lund University. 2015.
- M. Salapaka. EE5235/AEM8425 - Robust Control. University of Minnesota.
- C.W. Scherer. Robust control. TU Delft. Since 2006 not accessible outside TU Delft.
- S. Skogestad. Multivariable feedback control using frequency-domain methods. Norwegian University of Science Technology, Trondheim, Norway. Replaced by the course given by M. Hovd, last run 1999.